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Currently the following business taxes are the only ones that can be filed and paid using this portal. These taxes are:
Other business taxes and individual income taxes will come online over the next several years.
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As a guest user, you can perform certain actions on the Portal without a registered User ID. To access specific filing options, click the hyperlinks below:
Although the MyTaxes system will automatically calculate accrued interest and penalties for late filed returns and late payments for returns due in March; a taxpayer shall be relieved of any accrued interest and penalties for late filed returns and late payments as a result of the new system implementation. Please pay only the tax due without interest and penalty when submitting your payment.
For applicable taxes, filers should also calculate their vendor’s compensation or other allowance and deduct that amount from tax due before making payments.
Perform tasks as a business or find additional information.
Perform tasks as a government user or find additional information.
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